Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Dhyana Yogam: Chapter 6: Verse 13 and 14

Bhagavad Gita - krishna --bhagavad gita dhyana shloka

(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)

The Optimal Meditation Posture Is One In Which The Trunk, Head, And Neck Are All Properly Aligned And Focus Is On A Single Point In The Body

समं कायशिरोग्रीवं धारयन्नचलं स्थिर: |
सम्प्रेक्ष्य नासिकाग्रं स्वं दिशश्चानवलोकयन् || 6.13|

प्रशान्तात्मा विगतभीर्ब्रह्मचारिव्रते स्थित: |
मन: संयम्य मच्चित्तो युक्त आसीत मत्पर: || 6.14||

samaṁ kāya-śhiro-grīvaṁ dhārayann achalaṁ sthiraḥ
samprekṣhya nāsikāgraṁ svaṁ diśhaśh chānavalokayan|| 13|
praśhāntātmā vigata-bhīr brahmachāri-vrate sthitaḥ
manaḥ sanyamya mach-chitto yukta āsīta mat-paraḥ|| 14||

Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 6- Ver. 13 and 14:

The seeker should sit with his mind fixed on me, considering me as supreme, holding his trunk, head, and neck strong and steady, monitoring the tip of one’s nose, and not glancing around One whose personality is calm, fearless, and set in the vow of renunciation, with a controlled mind


The best posture for meditation, according to Shri Krishna, is one in which the trunk, head, and neck are completely aligned. The attention should then be drawn to a single location on the body. Allowing the focus to wander is not a good idea. Meditation is a journey into one’s own self. The method for achieving this goal is to gradually quiet and nullify everything else except the self. Our body is the first part of the “not-self” that we must silence. As a result, Shri Krishna advises us to keep our bodies solid and steady. The greatest method to obtain this firmness is to maintain good posture.

Even sitting still in one place and in one posture for 10-15 minutes is difficult for most of us. Our willpower is put to the test. As a result, this is where we should start. We should gradually extend the time to at least 25-30 minutes after we can sit still for 10-15 minutes. Even if we don’t do anything else but sit still for 30 minutes, that is a good first step toward meditation.

After we’ve gotten our bodies under control, we should work on focusing our attention so that our minds can become single-pointed. According to Shri Krishna, we should focus our attention on the tip of our nose. What this means is that we should fix our attention on a single object.

Breath control is an essential component of any meditative practise. Direct control of the breath is a powerful technique for focusing the mind, but it must be mastered from a master or it can be harmful. Instead, Shri Krishna advises that we master our minds and thoughts. Because the mind and the breath are linked, if the mind is controlled, the breath will automatically be regulated.

For success in meditation, Shree Krishna stresses the discipline of celibacy. Because humans have better intellects and the freedom to indulge whenever they choose, procreation has been transformed into a form of licentious pleasure. The Vedic writings, on the other hand, place a strong emphasis on practising celibacy. Even Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine, praises celibacy for its extraordinary health benefits.

When asked about the secret to good health, Dhanvantar said, “This seminal force is truly the atman.” The preservation of this important power is the key to good health. He who wastes this crucial and valuable energy cannot progress physically, mentally, morally, or spiritually.”

According to Ayurveda, one drop of sperm requires forty drops of blood. Those who waste their sperm acquire a weak and disturbed breathing pattern. They lose physical and mental energy, and their memory, thinking, and intelligence suffer as a result. Celibacy leads to an increase in physiological energy, mental clarity, enormous willpower, retentive memory, and a keen spiritual intellect.

Celibacy isn’t just about avoiding sensual pleasures. Other sex-related activities must also be controlled like thinking about it, talking about it, joking about it, envisioning it, desiring it, wooing to get someone interested in it, enticing someone interested in it, and engaging in it. For one to be considered celibate, all these must be shunned. Thus, celibacy not only requires abstinence from sexual intercourse, but also refrainment from masturbation, homosexual acts, and all other sexual practices.

Verses & what we can learn

A steady and comfortable posture should be adopted to meditate without any disturbances and focus should be on a single point. The mind should be calm, fearless and unwavering and practicing celibacy helps to progress at a greater pace when one maintains it at both physical and thought levels as well.

To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.

There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.

In the Next verse, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna how a yogi can attain Nirvana.

Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…

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