
Aloe Vera: Unlocking the Healing Powers of Nature’s Miracle Plant

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aloe vera

-Deva Narayan Aloe vera, sometimes described as a “wonder plant,” is a short-stemmed shrub. Aloe is a genus that contains more than 500 species of flowering succulent plants. Many aloes occur naturally in North Africa. Its gel, which comes from the leaf of the plant, has many healing properties. It’s been used topically for thousands […]


Probiotics: Unlocking the Health Benefits of Good Bacteria

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-Deva Narayan Probiotics have received a lot of attention recently, and for good reason. These microscopic organisms — “good bacteria” if you will — promote all sorts of health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. Found naturally in foods like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables, as well as in dietary supplements, probiotics help keep your […]


Navigating Food Allergies: Understanding, Managing, and Living Safely

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food allergy

-Deva Narayan Food allergies are becoming more and more common, affecting millions of people worldwide, old and young alike. Food allergies happen when our immune system wrongly identifies a protein found in food as something harmful. To fight off the “harmful” protein, our immune system causes an allergic reaction to occur – like a runny […]


PRP Therapy: A Revolutionary Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

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-Surya Pillai PRP, or plasma-rich protein treatment, has gained popularity in the cosmetology and aesthetics fields due to its extensive use in treating alopecia and reducing wrinkles. Nonetheless, PRP has proven to be beneficial for individuals with acute osteoarthritis. In addition, PRP has been recommended by physicians as the only treatment that, if initiated early […]


Intermittent Fasting: Exploring the Benefits and Risks

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-Deva Narayan Intermittent fasting is a trending approach to weight loss and overall health, but many questions exist about the mechanics, benefits, and potential risks associated with this eating pattern. One of the primary reasons people adopt intermittent fasting is for weight loss. By limiting the eating window, IF helps reduce calorie intake, which can […]