
Narayaneeyam Dashakam 7


Sarvathra Govinda Nama Sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda

एवं देव चतुर्दशात्मकजगद्रूपेण जात: पुन-
स्तस्योर्ध्वं खलु सत्यलोकनिलये जातोऽसि धाता स्वयम् ।
यं शंसन्ति हिरण्यगर्भमखिलत्रैलोक्यजीवात्मकं
योऽभूत् स्फीतरजोविकारविकसन्नानासिसृक्षारस: ॥१॥

evaM deva chaturdashaatmaka jagadruupeNa jaataH punaH
tasyOrdhvaM khalu satyalOkanilaye jaatO(a)si dhaataa svayam |
yaM shamsanti hiraNyagarbhamakhila trailOkya jiivaatmakaM
yO(a)bhuut sphiitarajO vikaara vikasannaanaa sisR^ikshaarasaH ||1||

In the initial verse of the seventh Dashakam, Bhattathiri reverently invokes Lord Guruvayoorappa, who magnificently manifests throughout the vast expanse of fourteen worlds. Subsequently, in the divine realm of Sathya Loka, the revered Lord Vishnu assumes the form of Lord Brahma, the esteemed creator known as Hiranya Garbha. Lord Vishnu, the epitome of Virat Purusha, is formed from the union of three worlds. As the influence of Rajo guna intensifies, Hiranya Garbha is inspired to commence the process of creation.

सोऽयं विश्वविसर्गदत्तहृदय: सम्पश्यमान: स्वयं
बोधं खल्वनवाप्य विश्वविषयं चिन्ताकुलस्तस्थिवान् ।
तावत्त्वं जगतां पते तप तपेत्येवं हि वैहायसीं
वाणीमेनमशिश्रव: श्रुतिसुखां कुर्वंस्तप:प्रेरणाम् ॥२॥

sO(a)yaM vishvavisarga dattahR^idayaH sampashyamaanaH svayaM
bOdhaM khalvanavaapya vishvaviShayaM chintaakulastasthivaan |
taavattvaM jagataaM pate tapa tapetyevaM hi vaihaayasiiM
vaaNiimenamashishravaH shrutisukhaaM kurvamstapaH preraNaam ||2||

Brahma, the revered architect of the universe, contemplated deeply on his pivotal role in shaping the world and found himself engulfed in profound thoughts, with no clear understanding of the cosmos. Engrossed in his contemplation, he reached out to the Lord for direction, who then whispered in a divine voice, “Meditate”. Attentively heeding the serene voice from above, Brahma sought comfort and enlightenment.

कोऽसौ मामवदत् पुमानिति जलापूर्णे जगन्मण्डले
दिक्षूद्वीक्ष्य किमप्यनीक्षितवता वाक्यार्थमुत्पश्यता ।
दिव्यं वर्षसहस्रमात्ततपसा तेन त्वमाराधित –
स्तस्मै दर्शितवानसि स्वनिलयं वैकुण्ठमेकाद्भुतम् ॥३॥

kO(a)sau maamavadat pumaaniti jalaapuurNe jaganmaNDale
dikshuudviikshya kimapyaniikshitavataa vaakyaarthamutpashyataa |
divyaM varShasahasramaattatapasaa tena tvamaaraadhitastasmai
darshitavaanasi svanilayaM vaikuNThamekaa(a)dbhutam ||3||

Lord Brahma searched the entire submerged world, asking himself, ‘Who taught me this knowledge?’ With no one in sight, he pondered on the meaning of the words he had heard. After a thousand divine years of meditation and devotion to you (equivalent to 360,000 human years), Lord finally unveiled the glorious realm of Vaikunta, his abode, to Brahma.

माया यत्र कदापि नो विकुरुते भाते जगद्भ्यो बहि:
शोकक्रोधविमोहसाध्वसमुखा भावास्तु दूरं गता: ।
सान्द्रानन्दझरी च यत्र परमज्योति:प्रकाशात्मके
तत्ते धाम विभावितं विजयते वैकुण्ठरूपं विभो ॥४॥

maayaa yatra kadaapi nO vikurute bhaate jagadbhyO bahiH
shOkakrOdhavimOhasaadhvasamukhaa bhaavaastu duuraM gataaH |
saandraanandajharii cha yatra paramajyOtiHprakaashaatmake
tatte dhaama vibhaavitaM vijayate vaikuNTharuupaM vibhO ||4||

In this beautiful verse, Bhattathiri eloquently paints a picture of a heavenly realm beyond our earthly limitations, where there is no concept of hierarchy or inequality. He poetically describes a realm free from the burdens of sorrow, anger, fear, and timidity, and instead brimming with an eternal sense of divine bliss. His heartfelt prayer for Vaikunta, the abode of the Lord, to radiate with unrivaled brilliance is truly uplifting.

यस्मिन्नाम चतुर्भुजा हरिमणिश्यामावदातत्विषो
नानाभूषणरत्नदीपितदिशो राजद्विमानालया: ।
भक्तिप्राप्ततथाविधोन्नतपदा दीव्यन्ति दिव्या जना-
तत्ते धाम निरस्तसर्वशमलं वैकुण्ठरूपं जयेत् ॥५॥

yasminnaama chaturbhujaa harimaNishyaamaavadaatatviShO
naanaabhuuShaNaratnadiipitadishO raajadvimaanaalayaaH |
bhaktipraaptatathaavidhOnnatapadaa diivyanti divyaa janaastatte
dhaama nirastasarvashamalaM vaikuNTharuupaM jayet ||5||

Within the sacred realm of Vaikunta dwell souls with four arms, their luminous blue sapphire aura enhanced by exquisite jewelry. Engaged in joyful play within gleaming aerial planes, their presence there is a testament to their profound devotion. May your flawless abode reign triumphant.

नानादिव्यवधूजनैरभिवृता विद्युल्लतातुल्यया
विश्वोन्मादनहृद्यगात्रलतया विद्योतिताशान्तरा ।
त्वत्पादांबुजसौरभैककुतुकाल्लक्ष्मी: स्वयं लक्ष्यते
यस्मिन् विस्मयनीयदिव्यविभवं तत्ते पदं देहि मे ॥६॥

naanaadivyavadhuujanairabhivR^itaa vidyullataatulyayaa
vishvOnmaadanahR^idyagaatralatayaa vidyOtitaashaantaraa |
tvatpaadaambujasaurabhaikakutukaallakshmiiH svayaM lakshyate
yasmin vismayaniiyadivyavibhavaa tatte padaM dehi me ||6||

Goddess Lakshmi, surrounded by celestial maidens, is a sight to behold. Her radiance lights up the skies, captivating all who have the privilege of witnessing her beauty, enthralled by the sweet fragrance of your lotus feet, I pray for the blessing to reside in your enchanting realm.

तत्रैवं प्रतिदर्शिते निजपदे रत्नासनाध्यासितं
भास्वत्कोटिलसत्किरीटकटकाद्याकल्पदीप्राकृति ।
श्रीवत्साङ्कितमात्तकौस्तुभमणिच्छायारुणं कारणं
विश्वेषां तव रूपमैक्षत विधिस्तत्ते विभो भातु मे ॥७॥

tatraivaM pratidarshite nijapade ratnaasanaadhyaasitaM
bhaasvatkOTi lasatkiriiTa kaTakaadyaakalpa diipraakR^iti |
shriivatsaankitamaatta kaustubhamaNichChaayaaruNaM kaaraNaM
vishveShaaM tava ruupamaikshata vidhistatte vibhO bhaatu me ||7||

In the land you revealed, Lord Brahma beheld you seated on a throne adorned with precious gems, adorned with a crown and jewelry that sparkled like the stars in the sky. Your chest bore the Sri Vathsa symbol, and around your neck gleamed the Kousthubha gem. Oh Lord of Guruvayur, grant me the vision to behold your divine form in all its glory.

कालांभोदकलायकोमलरुचीचक्रेण चक्रं दिशा –
मावृण्वानमुदारमन्दहसितस्यन्दप्रसन्नाननम् ।
स्रष्टुस्तुष्टिकरं वपुस्तव विभो मद्रोगमुद्वासयेत् ॥८॥

kaalaambhOda kalaayakOmala ruchiichakreNa chakraM dishaam
aavR^iNvaanamudaara mandahasita syanda prasannaananam |
raajatkambu gadaari pankajadhara shriimad bhujaamaNDalaM
sraShTustuShTikaraM vapustava vibhO madrOgamudvaasayet ||8||

Bhattathiri exclaims, “Oh my Lord, may that divine form of yours, which brought immense joy and bliss to Brahma, radiant like the deep blue cloud and the serene blue lotus, enveloping all corners with its beauty, adorned with a charming, eternally smiling visage, bearing four hands holding the sacred conch, mace, discus, and lotus flower, Illuminate my mind and heal me of all afflictions completely.

दृष्ट्वा सम्भृतसम्भ्रम: कमलभूस्त्वत्पादपाथोरुहे
हर्षावेशवशंवदो निपतित: प्रीत्या कृतार्थीभवन् ।
जानास्येव मनीषितं मम विभो ज्ञानं तदापादय
द्वैताद्वैतभवत्स्वरूपपरमित्याचष्ट तं त्वां भजे ॥९॥

dR^iShTvaa sambhR^itasambhramaH kamalabhuustvatpaadapaathOruhe
harShaaveshavashanvadO nipatitaH priityaa kR^itaarthiibhavan |
jaanaasyeva maniiShitaM mama vibhO j~naanaM tadaapaadaya
dvaitaadvaitabhavatsvaruupaparamityaachaShTa taM tvaaM bhaje ||9||

In awe of your majestic aura, Lord Brahma, feeling nervous yet overjoyed, humbly paid homage to your divine lotus feet. With immense gratitude and hopeful anticipation, he beseeched, “O Supreme Lord, I offer my worship unto you, knowing that you are aware of my innermost longing. Grant me the profound wisdom of the cosmos and unveil the splendor of your divine form to me.”

आताम्रे चरणे विनम्रमथ तं हस्तेन हस्ते स्पृशन्
बोधस्ते भविता न सर्गविधिभिर्बन्धोऽपि सञ्जायते ।
इत्याभाष्य गिरं प्रतोष्य नितरां तच्चित्तगूढ: स्वयं
सृष्टौ तं समुदैरय: स भगवन्नुल्लासयोल्लाघताम् ॥१०॥

aataamre charaNe vinamramatha taM hastena haste spR^ishan
bOdhaste bhavitaa na sargavidhibhirbandhO(a)pi sa~njaayate |
ityaabhaaShya giraM pratOShya nitaraaM tachchittaguuDhaH svayaM
sR^iShTau taM samudairayaH sa bhagavannullaasayOllaaghataam ||10||

Bhattathiri says in the last sloka of the tenth Dashakam that, Brahma bowed down at the Lord’s radiant feet, offering his utmost respect as Lord Vishnu graciously lifted him and assured him that the Lord shall bestow upon him the wisdom needed to eliminate any obstacles in the divine act of creation. Concealing the Lord’s divine presence within the depths of Brahma’s thoughts, he inspired Brahma to embark on the grand task of creation. May your blessings manifest in the form of continued good health bestowed upon me.

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