Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Arjuna Vishada Yogam: Chapter 1: Verse 21 & 22

BG 1.21 & 22


Arjuna was in complete charge of the situation at this time, and like any determined warrior, he ordered his charioteer to carry out his orders. It’s evident that he was ready for battle, that his warrior instincts had kicked into high gear, and that he was brimming with self-confidence at this point. Arjuna understood he wanted to gain a better look at the opposing army and thus have all the knowledge he required to make his combat plans because he was stationed some distance away.

Arjun was a skillful fighter, and Hanuman, the most powerful of the Hindu gods, sat atop his gorgeous chariot. Furthermore, his devotion to the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna was such that Arjuna’s charioteer was the Lord himself. Arjuna sat in the passenger seat, giving Shree Krishna, his charioteer, directions. He addresses the Lord as Achyuta, the Most Reliable One, and asks that the chariot be placed in the middle of the battlefield.

Verse & What we need to learn

Just like Arjuna who wanted to see the Kaurava army to have an idea, we also rely on our sensory organs (our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin) to get the right information.

Almighty God though supremely independent yet he becomes enslaved by the devotees love as they are very dear to him. Here we see Lord Krishna himself becoming the charioteer of Arjuna and following his instructions bound by his love.

The beauty of God’s bond with his devotees is that He gets enslaved, beholden by His devotees’ love.
Total surrenderence to God & complete faith in him alone is the secret of victory.

In the next verse, we will see what more Arjuna tells to Shri Krishna.

Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…

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