Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 8: Akṣhar Brahma Yogam Verse 22

Bhagavad Gita - krishna --bhagavad gita dhyana shloka

(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)

The Divine Seated In The Hearts Of All Living Creatures And Can Be Realized Only Through Devotion

पुरुष: स पर: पार्थ भक्त्या लभ्यस्त्वनन्यया |
यस्यान्त:स्थानि भूतानि येन सर्वमिदं ततम् || 8.22||

puruṣhaḥ sa paraḥ pārtha bhaktyā labhyas tvananyayā
yasyāntaḥ-sthāni bhūtāni yena sarvam idaṁ tatam|| 8.22||

Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 8- Ver. 22:

All that exists is tiny in comparison to the Supreme Divine Personality. Despite the fact that He is all-pervading and all living beings are contained within Him, He can only be recognised through devotion.


God can be found in all places. At the same time, the Supreme Lord, who is situated in the spiritual sky in His heavenly dwelling, is seated in the hearts of all living creatures. He is all-encompassing and pervades every molecule of the physical world. It’s not as if He’s a hundred percent God in His physical form and only ten percent when He’s in our hearts or elsewhere in the physical world. In all of His forms, God exists completely. We are unable to recognise His presence within us or all around us because of our ignorance.

It’s difficult to cultivate devotion to an all-pervading or omnipresent God. Worshiping Him in His divine form purifies our hearts, which is vital in order to attract His divine mercy. Because divine senses are required to perceive God’s divinity. Yogmaya, His divine force, instils divine senses, mind, and intellect in us by His grace, allowing us to know both His all-pervading aspect and His personal form. As a result, Shree Krishna declares in this verse that we may only know Him through bhakti.

Verse & what we can learn

Only through liberation will we be able to break free from the never-ending circle. The path to liberation is by a single-minded dedication to Ishvara. Ishvara is the creator of all things. He is not, someone who exists outside of his creation. Ishvara can be found everywhere and is always present.

To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.

There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.

In the Next verse, Shri Krishna explains Arjuna about the two paths that seekers have to travel through after they pass away.

Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…

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