Fearfulness And Loss Of Mental Stability Are Symptoms Of Those Who Are Too Affected By Material Circumstances
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Arjuna Vishada Yogam: Chapter 1: Verse 30
न च शक्नोम्यवस्थातुं भ्रमतीव च मे मन: || 30||
निमित्तानि च पश्यामि विपरीतानि केशव |
na cha śhaknomy avasthātuṁ bhramatīva cha me manaḥ|| 30||
nimittāni cha paśhyāmi viparītāni keśhava
Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 1- Ver. 30: I am now unable to continue standing here. I’m losing track of who I am, and my mind is racing. O slayer of the Kesi monster, I see nothing but evil.
Arjuna’s impatience prevented him from staying on the battlefield, and the frailty of his mind caused him to lose himself. A man’s condition of existence becomes confusing when he has an excessive connection to worldly possessions.
People who are overly impacted by material conditions experience such fearfulness and loss of mental equilibrium. Arjuna believed that the battlefield would only bring him misery; even defeating his enemy would not make him happy.
Nimitta is a significant word. Why am I here? A man asks himself when he only finds frustration in his expectations. Everybody only cares about themselves and their own well-being. Nobody cares about the Supreme Self. By submitting to Krishna’s will, which is everyone’s true self-interest, Arjuna is expected to demonstrate his contempt for self-interest. The conditioned soul neglects this and consequently experiences physical suffering. Arjuna believed that his triumph in the conflict would only lead to him weeping.
It is unusual to find a detailed description of a psychological breakdown in a spiritual source. The Gita is a very practical text as well as a spiritual literature, as we have seen.
The subsequent chapters will examine the comments that Arjuna or any other person will make while experiencing a severely disturbed mental state.
To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.
There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, and meditation for stress, and each meditation’s benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.
In the next verses, we will know what statements Arjuna makes after starting to lose control over his body and mind.
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