
Top 5 Practical Tips to Strengthen Will Power

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Top 5 Practical Tips to Strengthen Will Power

Before we discuss anything, we need to know what will power is. Will power is nothing but knowing what is good for you physically and mentally and then continuously following that path without getting influenced by temptations, so that you can achieve your goal. All of us know the importance exercising will power in our […]


Top 5 Tips for Self Development

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Now-a-days, most people are showing interest in self development activities and it is something which is limit less. The more you develop, the more you will find the need to change yourself for further betterment and development. So, the process is never ending. But, the earlier you start with the process the more easy life […]


Top 5 Benefits of Mindfulness

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Top 5 Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness means being totally aware of the thoughts and actions in the present moment. Mindfulness is all about being present in the present, with body, mind and heart and not over reacting about either past or present. Most of us are so deeply caught in this web that we find it hard to be mindful […]


Pros and cons of Social Media Platforms

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Pros and cons of Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like facebook, whtsapp, instagram, twitter etc have become a part of our social life and the majority of the people around the world are accessing them. Many people use and maintain even multiple social networking sites.  But the sad fact is that people are only aware of the benefits, but, there is […]


Life, the best mentor

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Life, the best mentor

If there is one best trainer or mentor in the entire world, it is our own Life. Life teaches us so many valuable lessons, but the difference is some learn it early, while other take time to rectify and progress, and most of us learn it lately, when we repent for our doings. Life is, […]


Do we Learn to Earn

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Do we Learn to Earn

If we look at our present educational system, we get various doubts, if learning is merely for the sake of earning? We consider ourselves well developed and sophisticated in many ways as compared to our previous generations. But, when we look at ourselves and the people who live in our societies, we have become simply […]


Environmental Safety Concern…Need of the Hour

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Environmental Safety Concern, Need of the Hour

People worldwide are shocked to witness increase in the incidents of natural calamities and unpredictable weather. Each year, during summer the temperatures registers high rise as compared to the previous years, similarly during winters, temperatures are too low. Also, there is no sight of rain, when there should be rain, and farmer’s life has become […]


Develop Patience in You

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Develop Patience in You

Perhaps, this is the only thing that we humans of today badly lack and mostly need. Yes, we all have this tendency of being impatient and we also know the value and the place that patience holds in our life. But most of us fail to exhibit it, when the moment arrives; maybe we are […]