Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Sankhya Yogam: Chapter 2: Verse 37

Bhagavad Gita - krishna

(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)

One Should Go on Doing His Duty Keeping Aside Likes, Dislikes or the Outcome

हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम् |
तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चय: || 2.37||

hato vā prāpsyasi swargaṁ jitvā vā bhokṣhyase mahīm
tasmād uttiṣhṭha kaunteya yuddhāya kṛita-niśhchayaḥ|| 2.37||

Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 2- Ver. 37:

If you fight, you will either die on the battlefield or rise to the celestial realms, or you will be victorious and enjoy the kingdom on Earth. As a result, rise with conviction, O Kunti’s son, and prepare to battle.


Shree Krishna continues to give instructions at the level of occupational responsibilities continuing from verse 2.31. He explains to Arjuna the two choices that arise as a result of his responsibility. If Arjuna wins, he will inherit a kingdom on Earth, and if he dies in the course of his duty, he will ascend to the celestial realms.

Shri Krishna says that action is always preferable to inaction or procrastination, as long as our acts are connected with our svadharma, or responsibility. The outcome of acting following our responsibilities will always be positive.

Krishna emphasizes the advantages of obeying his advice. It’s a win-win situation for both parties. If Arjuna is killed he will go to heaven, this is in the worst-case scenario. He will be able to enjoy the earth if he is victorious.

Krishna advises him to focus on his karyam karma or bounden responsibility. This is the ultimate level of activity: selfless action. Regardless of whether you like it or not, do what you need to do without relying on the outcome of your actions. A sannyasi, or person of renunciation, is defined in this way. Keep the goal of realization in mind while you go about your daily tasks. You will be unsuccessful, dissatisfied, and spiritually deteriorate as long as you are driven by your likes and dislikes.

Happiness is found in wholeheartedly carrying out an action dedicated to a higher ideal. Only by removing desire and fruit from our consciousness while doing can we achieve faultless action. Our mind must be completely focused on the current action. Then there’s no doubt about the fruit. If our mind wanders to the fruit while we’re doing something, the activity becomes faulty, and we’ll fail.

Consider the past and future before deciding on a goal. Decide on a course of action. Allowing stress about the past or fear about the future to interfere with action is not a good idea. This results in ideal action. If each move is executed flawlessly, you will be a huge success. Your thoughts will be at ease. You will feel fulfilled after completing a task to the best of your ability. Desires will go away.

Verse & What we can learn

If we keep aside our likes and dislikes and go on doing our duties regardless of whatever is the outcome only positive results will be there.

Meditation gives us the strength both physically and psychologically to go on with our duties. There are many types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practising daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.

In the next verse, Lord Shri Krishna encourages Arjuna to go ahead with his duty.

Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…

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