
Holy Trinity Adorned in Gold for Sunabesha at Jagannath Mandir

Sunabesha 3

On the holy occasion of Sunabesha on Ashadha Shukla Ekadasi Tithi, The Holy Trinity, Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra has been bedecked as an emperor with all gold ornaments at the Chaariot (Rath) today i.e 17th Jul 2024 at Shri Jagannath Mandir, Thyagraj Nagar. The Holy Trinity was glittered in gold (plated) ornaments and decorated with flowers. The Darshan was open for the public till 10:30 PM . Over 5000 devotees are joined in this auspicious moment and participated in the Sandhya Aarati at TNRC Premises where the Chariot was kept.

 The Sunabesha is also known as Rajarajeshwari Besha. Lord Balabhadra was adroned with Shreepayar, Shreebhuja, Kirita, Odiani, Kundal, Chandasurya and different chains. Devi Subhadra was adorned with Kirita, Odiani, Chandrasurya, Kana, Adakani, Kadambamali, Sebatimali, and two Tagadis.

 Similarly, Lord Jagannath was adorned and glittered with Shreepayar, Shreebhuja Kirita, Odiani, Kundal, Chandasurya and different chains. A lots devotional songs / kirtan has done by devotees. The ritual started with hymns and mantras by Pandit ji with blowing of conch shell. Lots of Prasad has been offered to the Lord and distributed to the devotees.

 The Mandir Management committee has spiritually fulfilled the comfortable for all devotees by arranging a cultural program (also a special performance by Odissi Dancer Mahasweta Das in front of Rath), security cameras, dinking water, Prasad Distribution and logistical needs by the supervision of Mr. K.D Biswal ( Hony Gen Sectretary, Mr. D. N Sahoo ( Vice-President0, Mr. Pradyuna Pallai ( Joint – Secterary), Ms. Pranati Biswal, Mr.Gyan Ranjan Naik, Mr. Bijayanand Samal, Mr. Pradeep Pradhan, Mr. Manedra Barik, Mr. Sushant Swain, Mr. Sambhunath Aggrawal.

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