
Narayaneeyam Dashakam 8


Sarvatra Govinda Nama Sankeertanam Govinda Govinda

एवं तावत् प्राकृतप्रक्षयान्ते
ब्राह्मे कल्पे ह्यादिमे लब्धजन्मा ।
ब्रह्मा भूयस्त्वत्त एवाप्य वेदान्
सृष्टिं चक्रे पूर्वकल्पोपमानाम् ॥१॥

evaM taavatpraakR^ita prakshayaante
braahme kalpe hyaadime labdhajanmaa |
brahmaa bhuuyastvatta evaapya vedaan
sR^iShTiM chakre puurvakalpOpamaanaam ||1||

Upon reaching the opening sloka of the Eighth Dashakam of Narayanneyam, Bhattathiri eloquently describes the awe-inspiring moment when Brahma, emerging from the prior Kalpa, reconstructed the Vedas from his essence before proceeding to form the cosmos mirroring the exquisite craftsmanship of the earlier Kalpa.

सोऽयं चतुर्युगसहस्रमितान्यहानि
तावन्मिताश्च रजनीर्बहुशो निनाय ।
निद्रात्यसौ त्वयि निलीय समं स्वसृष्टै-
र्नैमित्तिकप्रलयमाहुरतोऽस्य रात्रिम् ॥२॥

sO(a)yaM chaturyuga sahasramitaanyahaani
taavanmitaashcha rajaniirbahushO ninaaya |
nidraatyasau tvayi niliiya samaM svasR^iShTai
rnaimittikapralayamaahuratO(a)sya raatrim ||2||

Lord Brahma, after meticulously counting the days and nights of the four Yugas, indulging in a sumptuous feast, gracefully retires to rest at the culmination of his day, marking the onset of the Naimittika Pralaya night, when all creations dissolve in harmony with his divine slumber.

अस्मादृशां पुनरहर्मुखकृत्यतुल्यां
सृष्टिं करोत्यनुदिनं स भवत्प्रसादात् ।
प्राग्ब्राह्मकल्पजनुषां च परायुषां तु
सुप्तप्रबोधनसमास्ति तदाऽपि सृष्टि: ॥३॥

asmaadR^ishaaM punaraharmukha kR^itya tulyaaM
sR^iShTiM karOtyanudinaM sa bhavatprasaadaat |
praagbraahmakalpa januShaaM cha paraayuShaaM tu
supta prabOdhana samaa(a)sti tadaa(a)pi sR^iShTiH ||3||

In his profound wisdom, Bhattathiri reveals that the creator, through the boundless grace of providence, manifests the realm of creation each day, exhibiting a profound similarity to our own existence as human beings. The universe, a majestic reflection of the morning rituals we engage in, thrives and prospers under Lord’s infinite benevolence. Those who once walked the realms of the previous Brahmic creation are bestowed with longevity, seamlessly transitioning into the vibrant and pulsating fabric of the present creation.

पञ्चाशदब्दमधुना स्ववयोर्धरूप-
मेकं परार्धमतिवृत्य हि वर्ततेऽसौ ।
तत्रान्त्यरात्रिजनितान् कथयामि भूमन्
पश्चाद्दिनावतरणे च भवद्विलासान् ॥४॥

pa~nchaashadabdamadhunaa svavayO(a)rdharuupaM
ekaM paraardhamativR^itya hi vartate(a)sau |
tatraantyaraatri janitaan kathayaami bhuuman
pashchaaddinaavataraNe cha bhavadvilaasaan ||4||

In awe of Brahma, who has gracefully dedicated fifty years of existence to rest, O lord, we praise the divine marvel of your playful actions. From the culmination of Brahma’s days to the inception of his new dawn, your celestial deeds never cease to inspire wonder.

दिनावसानेऽथ सरोजयोनि:
सुषुप्तिकामस्त्वयि सन्निलिल्ये ।
जगन्ति च त्वज्जठरं समीयु-
स्तदेदमेकार्णवमास विश्वम् ॥५॥

dinaavasaane(a)tha sarOja yOniH
suShupti kaamastvayi sannililye |
jaganti cha tvajjaTharaM samiiyu
tadedamekaarNavamaasavishvam ||5||

Having played a crucial role in the extraordinary formation of the universe, Brahman, the boundless entity, decided it was time to seek solace at the conclusion of the preceding day. Completing this divine task, he seamlessly blended into the divine essence of Lord Vishnu before vanishing into the unknown, resulting in the astounding occurrence of the entire world submerging in water.

तवैव वेषे फणिराजि शेषे
जलैकशेषे भुवने स्म शेषे ।
स्वयोगनिद्रापरिमुद्रितात्मा ॥६॥

tavaiva veShe phaNiraaji sheShe
jalaikasheShe bhuvane sma sheShe
aananda saandraanubhava svaruupaH
svayOganidraa parimudritaatmaa ||6||

The sixth sloka by Bhattathiri beautifully describes how even in the midst of chaos, Lord Vishnu peacefully rests, surrounded by the pure essence of joy and bliss.

कालाख्यशक्तिं प्रलयावसाने
प्रबोधयेत्यादिशता किलादौ ।
त्वया प्रसुप्तं परिसुप्तशक्ति-
व्रजेन तत्राखिलजीवधाम्ना ॥७॥

Kaalaakhya shaktiM pralayaavasaane
prabOdhayetyaadishataa kilaadau |
tvayaa prasuptaM parisuptashaktivrajena
tatraakhila jiivadhaamnaa ||7||

In awe of you, my Lord, as you harmoniously blended with the core of nature, becoming the ultimate support system for all creatures. Following the catastrophic flood, you commanded the mighty force of time to awaken you, and then serenely surrendered to rest.

चतुर्युगाणां च सहस्रमेवं
त्वयि प्रसुप्ते पुनरद्वितीय
कालाख्यशक्ति: प्रथमप्रबुद्धा
प्राबोधयत्त्वां किल विश्वनाथ ॥८॥

chaturyugaaNaaM cha sahasramevaM
tvayi prasupte punaradvitiiye |
kaalaakhya shaktiH prathama prabuddhaa
praabOdhayattvaaM kila vishvanaatha ||8||

O Lord of the universe, in your solitude and magnificence, after a deep slumber of a thousand four fold yugas, the mighty force of time awakens first, followed by your divine awakening.

विबुध्य च त्वं जलगर्भशायिन्
विलोक्य लोकानखिलान् प्रलीनान् ।
तेष्वेव सूक्ष्मात्मतया निजान्त: –
स्थितेषु विश्वेषु ददाथ दृष्टिम् ॥९॥

vibudhya cha tvaM jalagarbhashaayin
vilOkya lOkaanakhilaan praliinaan |
teShveva suukshmaatmatayaa nijaantaH
sthiteShu vishveShu dadaatha dR^iShTim || 9||

Bhattathiri exclaims, “Oh Supreme Being who gracefully slumbers at the heart of the vast ocean, upon awakening, you absorb the entire cosmos within yourself, casting a benevolent gaze upon all existence in miniature.”

ततस्त्वदीयादयि नाभिरन्ध्रा
-दुदञ्चितं किंचन दिव्यपद्मम् ।
संक्षेपरूपं मुकुलायमानम् ॥१०॥

tatastvadiiyaadayi naabhirandhraaduda~
nchitaM kinchana divyapadmam |
niliina nishsheSha padaartha maalaa
sanksheparuupaM mukulaayamaanam || 10||

The words of Bhattathiri are truly awe-inspiring: ‘Oh Lord, from your navel, all things have merged, in a micro form assumed the form of a bud, and from that, a divine lotus flower, so wonderful and indescribable, emerged.’

तदेतदंभोरुहकुड्मलं ते
कलेवरात् तोयपथे प्ररूढम् ।
बहिर्निरीतं परित: स्फुरद्भि:
स्वधामभिर्ध्वान्तमलं न्यकृन्तत् ॥११॥

tadetadambhOruha kuDmalaM te
kalebaraattOyapathe praruuDham |
bahirniriitaM paritaH sphuradbhiH
svadhaamabhirdhvaantamalaM nyakR^intat || 11||

Bhattathiri eloquently proclaims that the exquisite lotus bud, emerging gracefully from the depths of the water, and blooming from within the divine Lord Vishnu, dispelled the encompassing darkness with its luminous radiance.

संफुल्लपत्रे नितरां विचित्रे
तस्मिन् भवद्वीर्यधृते सरोजे ।
स पद्मजन्मा विधिराविरासीत्
स्वयंप्रबुद्धाखिलवेदराशि: ॥१२॥

samphulla patre nitaraaM vichitre
tasmin bhavadviiryadhR^ite sarOje |
sa padmajanmaa vidhiraaviraasiit
svayaM prabuddhaakhila vedaraashiH || 12||

In the magnificently bloomed divine lotus, elevated by your yogic prowess, the revered Lord Brahma, graciously resided alongside all the Vedas, embracing them within his infinite knowledge.

अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
त्वमित्थमुत्थापितपद्मयोनि: ।
अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो ॥१३॥

asmin paraatman nanu paadmakalpe
tvamitthamutthaapita padmayOniH |
anantabhuumaa mama rOgaraashiM
nirundhi vaataalayavaasa viShNO || 13||

In the final sloka of the eighth dashakam, Bhattathiri earnestly implores…Oh Guruvayurappa, embodiment of divine Brahman, You who brought forth Lord Brahma from the lotus, And you who possess unparalleled greatness, Kindly heal all my afflictions.

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