
Narayaneeyam Dashakam 6


Sarvathra Govinda Nama Sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda

एवं चतुर्दशजगन्मयतां गतस्य
पातालमीश तव पादतलं वदन्ति ।
पादोर्ध्वदेशमपि देव रसातलं ते
गुल्फद्वयं खलु महातलमद्भुतात्मन् ॥१॥

evaM chaturdashajaganmayataaM gatasya
paataalamiisha tava paadatalaM vadanti |
paadOrdhvadeshamapi deva rasaatalaM te
gulphadvayaM khalu mahaatalamadbhutaatman ||1||

In the very first verse of The Narayaneeyam Dashakam 6, Bhattathiri beautifully expresses how the Lord magnificently embodies the fourteen worlds. The soles of His feet are revered as Patala, the upper part of His feet as Rasatala, and His ankles as the vast Mahatala. Oh Lord, Your presence encompasses all of creation!

जङ्घे तलातलमथो सुतलं च जानू
किञ्चोरुभागयुगलं वितलातले द्वे ।
क्षोणीतलं जघनमम्बरमङ्ग नाभि-
र्वक्षश्च शक्रनिलयस्तव चक्रपाणे ॥२॥

janghe talaatalamathO sutalaM cha jaanuu
ki~nchOrubhaagayugalaM vitalaatale dve |
kshONiitalaM jaghanamambaramanga naabhirvakshashcha
shakranilayastava chakrapaaNe ||2||

Oh lord who possesses the sacred wheel, your lower legs are like gleaming diamonds, your knees exude an aura of majestic strength, your powerful thighs exude grace and stability, The base of your hips symbolize the foundation of the earth, your belly button is a gateway to the celestial skies, and your chest is a dwelling place for the mighty Indra in the heavens.

ग्रीवा महस्तव मुखं च जनस्तपस्तु
फालं शिरस्तव समस्तमयस्य सत्यम् ।
एवं जगन्मयतनो जगदाश्रितैर-
प्यन्यैर्निबद्धवपुषे भगवन्नमस्ते ॥३॥

griivaa mahastava mukhaM cha janastapastu
phaalaM shirastava samastamayasya satyam |
evaM jaganmayatanO jagadaashritairapyanyairnibaddhavapuShe
bhagavannamaste ||3||

In the third sloka, Bhattathiri beautifully describes how the Lord’s neck represents the majestic Mahar loka, his face symbolizes the divine Jana loka, and his forehead signifies Thapoloka. The omnipresent Lord’s head is equated to Sathya Loka, and his vast body encompasses the entire universe. Bhattathiri humbly praises and reveres Lord Guruvayoorappa, whose divine essence spreads across different realms of existence.

त्वद्ब्रह्मरन्ध्रपदमीश्वर विश्वकन्द
छन्दांसि केशव घनास्तव केशपाशा: ।
उल्लासिचिल्लियुगलं द्रुहिणस्य गेहं
पक्ष्माणि रात्रिदिवसौ सविता च नेत्रै ॥४॥

tvadbrahmarandhrapadamiishvara vishvakanda
Chandaamsi keshava ghanaastava keshapaashaaH |
ullaasichilliyugalaM druhiNasya gehaM
pakshmaaNi raatridivasau savitaa cha netre ||4||

Oh Lord, the ultimate source and master of the universe, the Vedas are but a manifestation of your infinite wisdom. Your hair, oh Kesava, resembles the majestic clouds, while your eyebrows exude the divine presence of Brahma. Your eyes, like the radiant sun, illuminate the path to salvation.

निश्शेषविश्वरचना च कटाक्षमोक्ष:
कर्णौ दिशोऽश्वियुगलं तव नासिके द्वे ।
लोभत्रपे च भगवन्नधरोत्तरोष्ठौ
तारागणाश्च दशना: शमनश्च दंष्ट्रा ॥५॥

nishsheShavishvarachanaa cha kaTaakshamOkshaH
karNau dishO(a)shviyugalaM tava naasike dve |
lObhatrape cha bhagavannadharOttarOShThau
taaraagaNaashcha radanaaHshamanashcha damShTraa ||5||

Oh Bhagavan, your mischievous glances hold the power to create entire universes, your ears symbolize the diverse directions of existence, while your nostrils represent the Aswini devas,.The depths of your lower and upper lips mirror the depths of avarice and greed, and your teeth sparkle like a group of stars, with your molars embodying the fearsome presence of Yama, the God of death.

माया विलासहसितं श्वसितं समीरो
जिह्वा जलं वचनमीश शकुन्तपङ्क्ति: ।
सिद्धादय: स्वरगणा मुखरन्ध्रमग्नि-
र्देवा भुजा: स्तनयुगं तव धर्मदेव: ॥६॥

maayaa vilaasahasitaM shvasitaM samiirO
jihvaa jalaM vachanamiisha shakuntapanktiH |
siddhaadayaH svaragaNaa mukharandhramagnirdevaa
bhujaaH stanayugaM tava dharmadevaH ||6||

In the sixth slokam of the sixth Dashakam, Bhattathiri beautifully exclaims, Oh Lord, your enchanting smile embodies Maya, the illusion; Your very breath symbolizes the life-giving air; your divine toungue represents the purifying water, Your melodious words soar like birds; and the musical notes emanating from you are revered as the utterances of sages. Furthermore, the cavity of your mouth is likened to the fierce element of fire; your hands exude the divine power of devas, and even your two noble breasts are hailed as the embodiments of Dharma devas. Truly mesmerizing!

पृष्ठं त्वधर्म इह देव मन: सुधांशु –
रव्यक्तमेव हृदयंबुजमम्बुजाक्ष ।
कुक्षि: समुद्रनिवहा वसनं तु सन्ध्ये
शेफ: प्रजापतिरसौ वृषणौ च मित्र: ॥७॥

pR^iShThaM tvadharma iha deva manaH sudhaamshuravyaktameva
hR^idayaambujamambujaaksha |
kukshiH samudranivahaa vasanaM tu sandhye
shephaH prajaapatirasau vR^iShaNau cha mitraH ||7||

O Lord Guruvayoorappa…with eyes as luminous as lotus petals, your being radiates infinite grace. Your mind, akin to the moon, illuminates our paths with clarity and enlightenment, while your lotus-like heart exudes boundless love and purity. Your belly mirrors the vastness of the oceans, and your attire symbolizes the constant cycle of day and night. Even your sacred private parts, representing Brahma and God Mithra, are held in reverence as manifestations of divine energy.

श्रोणीस्थलं मृगगणा: पदयोर्नखास्ते
हस्त्युष्ट्रसैन्धवमुखा गमनं तु काल: ।
विप्रादिवर्णभवनं वदनाब्जबाहु-
चारूरुयुग्मचरणं करुणांबुधे ते ॥८॥

shrONiisthalaM mR^igagaNaaH padayOrnakhaaste
hastyuShTrasaindhavamukhaa gamanaM tu kaalaH |
vipraadivarNabhavanaM vadanaabjabaahuchaaruuruyugmacharaNaM
karuNaambudhe te ||8||

Your hips are a majestic jungle, home to creatures like no other. Your feet, adorned with nails resembling the mighty hooves of horses, elephants, and camels, are a testament to the power and grace of the animal kingdom. As you walk, each step is a journey through time itself. Oh, ocean of mercy, your face, hands, thighs, and feet are sacred grounds from which the four castes of humanity originated.

संसारचक्रमयि चक्रधर क्रियास्ते
वीर्यं महासुरगणोऽस्थिकुलानि शैला: ।
नाड्यस्सरित्समुदयस्तरवश्च रोम
जीयादिदं वपुरनिर्वचनीयमीश ॥९॥

samsaarachakramayi chakradhara kriyaaste
viiryaM mahaasuragaNO(a)sthikulaani shailaaH |
naaDyassaritsamudayastaravashcha rOma
jiiyaadidaM vapuranirvachaniiyamiisha ||9||

Oh Lord, the one who controls the wheel of life, your actions steer the course of existence. Your bravery is akin to the mightiest treasure of the demons, your strength unmatched. Your bones stand tall like the mighty mountains, your veins flow like the vast rivers, and your presence is felt in every tree that graces the land. May this divine form of the Virat Purusha, impossible to fully comprehend, emerge victorious in all its glory.

दृग्जगन्मयवपुस्तव कर्मभाजां
कर्मावसानसमये स्मरणीयमाहु: ।
तस्यान्तरात्मवपुषे विमलात्मने ते
वातालयाधिप नमोऽस्तु निरुन्धि रोगान् ॥१०॥

iidR^igjaganmayavapustava karmabhaajaaM
karmaavasaanasamaye smaraNiiyamaahuH |
tasyaantaraatmavapuShe vimalaatmane te
vaataalayaadhipa namO(a)stu nirundhi rOgaan ||10||

Bhattathiri beautifully articulates in the tenth sloka of the sixth Dashakam of Narayaneeyam that the enlightened individuals firmly believe in meditating on your divine form, especially those who place their trust in their virtuous deeds or are on the brink of completing their actions. Oh Guruvayurappa, I humbly bow down to you, the epitome of the Virat Purusha, immaculately pure in every sense. I implore you to heal all of my afflictions with your divine grace.

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