
Narayaneeyam Dashakam 14


Incarnation of Kapila

Sarvathra Govinda Nama Sankeerthanam Govinda Govinda

स मनु: पङ्कजसम्भवाङ्गजन्मा ।
चरितं ते कथयन् सुखं निनाय ॥१॥

sa manuH pankajasambhavaangajanmaa |
charitaM te kathayan sukhaM ninaaya ||1||

The fourteenth Dashakam begins with a mention of Swayambhu Manu by Bhattathiri. He praises Manu, the son of Brahmaa, for spending seventy-one Chatur-Yugas meditating on the feet of the Lord and singing the praises of the Lord without hindrance.

समये खलु तत्र कर्दमाख्यो
द्रुहिणच्छायभवस्तदीयवाचा ।
धृतसर्गरसो निसर्गरम्यं
भगवंस्त्वामयुतं समा: सिषेवे ॥२॥

samaye khalu tatra kardamaakhyO
druhiNachChaayabhavastadiiyavaachaa |
dhR^itasargarasO nisargaramyaM
bhagavamstvaamayutaM samaaH siSheve ||2||

During that time, Prajaapati Kardama, who emerged from Brahma’s shadow, developed an interest in creation. He offered you, who are ever-attractive, a penance of ten thousand years of prayers.

गरुडोपरि कालमेघक्रमं
विलसत्केलिसरोजपाणिपद्मम् ।
हसितोल्लसिताननं विभो त्वं
वपुराविष्कुरुषे स्म कर्दमाय ॥३॥

garuDOpari kaalameghakamraM
vilasatkelisarOjapaaNipadmam |
hasitOllasitaananaM vibhO tvaM
vapuraaviShkuruShe sma kardamaaya ||3||

Bhattathiri recites, “O Lord You revealed yourself to Kardama, on the back of Garuḍa as dark as a rainy cloud, with a bright lotus in your hand and a smiling face.”

स्तुवते पुलकावृताय तस्मै
मनुपुत्रीं दयितां नवापि पुत्री: ।
कपिलं च सुतं स्वमेव पश्चात्
स्वगतिं चाप्यनुगृह्य निर्गतोऽभू: ॥४॥

stuvate pulakaavR^itaaya tasmai
manuputriiM dayitaaM navaapi putriiH |
kapilaM cha sutaM svameva pashchaat
svagatiM chaapyanugR^ihya nirgatO(a)bhuuH ||4||

You showered Kardama, who was mesmerized by your form, with blessings, as you always do for a true devotee. You bestowed upon him the blessing of marrying Manu’s daughter, along with the blessings of nine daughters and a son named Kapila.

स मनु: शतरूपया महिष्या
गुणवत्या सुतया च देवहूत्या ।
समगात् कर्दममागतिप्रतीक्षम् ॥५॥

sa manuH shataruupayaa mahiShyaa
guNavatyaa sutayaa cha devahuutyaa |
samagaat kardamamaagatipratiiksham ||5||

As per the Lord’s instructions, Naarada advised Manu to accompany his queen wife, Shatarupa, and the pious daughter Devahoothi to meet Kardaama, who was already waiting.

मनुनोपहृतां च देवहूतिं
तरुणीरत्नमवाप्य कर्दमोऽसौ ।
भवदर्चननिवृतोऽपि तस्यां
दृढशुश्रूषणया दधौ प्रसादम् ॥६॥

manunOpahR^itaaM cha devahuutiM
taruNiiratnamavaapya kardamO(a)sau |
bhavadarchananirvR^itO(a)pi tasyaaM
dR^iDhashushruuShaNayaa dadhau prasaadam ||6||

Kardhama when he was bestowed with Devahuthi who was a jewel among women by Manu, he was in immense joy and contentment with dedicated worship towards you. He was drawn to her affectionate service and doted on her.

स पुनस्त्वदुपासनप्रभावा-
द्दयिताकामकृते कृते विमाने ।
वनिताकुलसङ्कुलो नवात्मा
व्यहरद्देवपथेषु देवहूत्या ॥७॥

sa punastvadupaasanaprabhaavaa
ddayitaakaamakR^ ite kR^ite vimaane|
vanitaakulasankulO navaatmaa
vyaharaddevapatheShu devahuutyaa ||7||

Then Kardama by the mere grace of worshipping Lord Vishnu in order to satisfy his loving spouse took another birth, prepared an aerial chariot, filled with many female companions and played on the celestial orchards of the heavens with Devahooti.

शतवर्षमथ व्यतीत्य सोऽयं
नव कन्या: समवाप्य धन्यरूपा: ।
वनयानसमुद्यतोऽपि कान्ता-
हितकृत्त्वज्जननोत्सुको न्यवात्सीत् ॥८॥

shatavarShamatha vyatiitya sO(a)yaM
nava kanyaaH samavaapya dhanyaruupaaH |
vanayaanasamudyatO(a)pi kaantaahitakR^
ittvajjananOtsukO nyavaatsiit ||8||

After living in this way for a century and fathering nine exquisite daughters, Kardama yearned to live as an ascetic in the forest. Following his wife’s instructions and anxiously expecting Lord’s birth as their son, he remained at home.

निजभर्तृगिरा भवन्निषेवा-
निरतायामथ देव देवहूत्याम् ।
कपिलस्त्वमजायथा जनानां
प्रथयिष्यन् परमात्मतत्त्वविद्याम् ॥९॥

nijabhartR^igiraa bhavanniShevaa
nirataayaamatha deva devahuutyaam |
kapilastvamajaayathaa janaanaaM
prathayiShyan paramaatmatattvavidyaam || 9||

O Lord, To guide mankind to attain the supreme reality, you were born as Kapila, the son of your staunch devotees Kardama and Devahoothi, who were forever worshipping you and was eagerly awaiting your arrival.

वनमेयुषि कर्दमे प्रसन्ने
मतसर्वस्वमुपादिशन् जनन्यै ।
कपिलात्मक वायुमन्दिरेश
त्वरितं त्वं परिपाहि मां गदौघात् ॥१०॥

vanameyuShi kardame prasanne
matasarvasvamupaadishan jananyai |
kapilaatmaka vaayumandiresha
tvaritaM tvaM paripaahi maaM gadaughaat ||10||

O Lord of Guruvaayur! Following your birth as Kapila, you explained your entire philosophy to your mother when Kardama Muni departed for meditation. Have mercy on me and heal me quickly of all my ailments.

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