
10 Amazing Brain Facts

10 Amazing Brain Facts

More than any other discoveries related to man, discovering the facts behind human brain are more crucial. Studies from various researchers, undertaken since many years, present us with amazing facts about brain, let us know some of them.

  1. Approximately 75% of the brain is water.
  2. Brain only weights about 3lbs, but uses 20 to 25% of the energy supplies each day.
  3. In an average human brain, there are 1.1 trillion cells and 100 billion neurons.
  4. Human brain never loses the ability to change and learn.
  5. Even when we are asleep the brain is still working. It is required to carry out smooth functioning of certain process in the body like digestion the food, pumping heart and maintaining blood pressure etc.
  6. If blood flow to the brain is lost, one can last only 10 seconds.
  7. It is a myth that we use only 10% of our brain; the fact is that we use it in total.
  8. Some say only a few people can do more than one thing at a time (multi-tasking) efficiently. Multitasking??  Forget it. It’s a myth.
  9. In matters of concentration, brain is very poor. It cannot concentrate for long periods of time. So to improve efficiency, it is always preferable to take short breaks rather than one long break.
  10. Brain cannot deal with every single detail that we look at.

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