
Top 10 Tips to Overcome Lack of Sleep in Middle-Aged Women

Top 10 Tips to Overcome Lack of Sleep in Middle Age Women

Lack of sleep is usually, one of the common problems faced by middle-aged women. These women find it difficult to have a sound asleep as they wake up too early in the morning and struggle to get back to sleep again, once they are awake. Most women complain of such disturbances in between sleep in this phase of life. With age, the normal sleeping pattern becomes shorter and it becomes natural that we have issues with sleep.

Well, in such case, there are some useful tips that you can follow to reduce sleep disturbances and to experience pleasure of sound sleep. Let us check out those points.

  1. As far as possible avoid sleeping in the afternoons. If it has become a habit, then, limit your sleeping time to a maximum of twenty minutes only.
  2. Avoid consuming Alcohol, smoking and taking beverages that contain caffeine. If at all you consume any of these, it should be at least three hours before you go to sleep.
  3. As far as possible avoid irregular sleeping patterns and stick to a disciplined sleeping routine.
  4. Don’t make it a habit to sleep as soon as you finish eating. Take dinner at least 4 hours before you go to sleep.
  5. During the evening, if you feel like you are falling asleep, wash your face, take a walk and keep your working area well lighted.
  6. Make it a habit to practice meditation, taking a shower, reading a good book, listening to relaxing music, as these aid in a good sleep.
  7. Avoid thoughts like, it is too late, I am not able to sleep, when will I sleep and when will I wake up. These kind of thinking and keeping a track of time will not help instead relax and try to sleep.
  8. Make sure that you have enough physical activity, otherwise, do regular exercise, swim or take up any other sport that gives your body a good exercise and makes you feel relaxed.
  9. Make sure that you bed room atmosphere is cool, calm and relaxed.
  10. To get good sleep make sure that both your mind and body are relaxed before you go to sleep.

Sleep is a blessing that recharges us for next day activities and keeps us active and healthy. Follow these tips and overcome sleeping disorder.

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