
Promoting Fairness and Inclusivity in ChatGPT Applications in Colleges and Universities


If a student uses ChatGPT to create a research paper the response they produce can be inaccurate in terms of dates or events. In order to prevent the spread of biases or false information, it is crucial to critically assess ChatGPT’s responses and to confirm information using different sources. Students can effectively use ChatGPT as an addition to their own research and critical thinking by being aware of its limits.

  • Producing information that is false or unreliable.
  • Displaying the biases existing in the text that it was trained on.
  • Not being able to grasp nuance or context.

When deciding whether to use ChatGPT, there are ethical issues to think about, such as avoiding using it to steal, plagiarise, or misrepresent students’ work.

Following are some instances of using ChatGPT unethically:

  • Using ChatGPT to generate homework answers, then passing those off as your own work without mentioning that ChatGPT was used.
  • Generating text for a research paper with ChatGPT and claiming originality when the ideas were actually created by the program.


Mentioning ChatGPT in your references or bibliography or mentioning in your work that some of your ideas or text were produced using the program.

Students may find ChatGPT to be a useful tool to support their own learning. Students can improve their comprehension of difficult subjects or come up with fresh ideas for research projects by using ChatGPT to create information or ideas.

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that ChatGPT shouldn’t be used in place of thorough investigation or critical analysis.  Additionally, you shouldn’t rely just on ChatGPT for your academic work. It should be used as a supplement instead.

Student Opinions on ChatGPT

The majority of college students concur that utilizing ChatGPT or other AI tools for academic purposes amounts to plagiarism or cheating. But only about 1 in 5 people utilize them.

ChatGPT is being used by students more frequently, and many of them are aware of the moral ramifications while continuing to utilize it to improve their academic performance. This casts doubt on the validity of the academic community.

The possibility of AI could be affecting students’ perceptions of the importance of college. Many students worry about how AI will affect their education or future employment, but they are more worried about how AI will affect society as a whole.

college students are concerned about how AI will affect their schooling, and how AI will affect their career decisions and potential employment paths. students (are also concerned about the effects on society at large. However, most students concur that artificial intelligence (AI) cannot replace human intelligence or creativity.


In conclusion, students should utilize ChatGPT appropriately and be aware of its limits. This may entail checking the veracity of the data gathered by the tool, admitting its usage in your work, and applying critical thinking techniques to assess the data gathered. Students can improve their learning and prevent any ethical issues by utilizing ChatGPT responsibly.

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