Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Arjuna Vishada Yogam: Chapter 1: Verses 2

BG 1.25


Lord Krishna, as the Supersoul, understood Arjuna’s thoughts completely,  here the use of the term Hrisikesa is used to signify his omniscience. Referring to Arjuna as Partha highlighted their familial relationship, with Arjuna being the son of Krishna’s aunt, Kunti. Krishna playfully reminded Arjuna of their family bond when he agreed to be Arjuna’s charioteer, and when he told Arjuna to “behold the Kurus,” he gently teased him about momentarily hesitating to fight. Despite this, Krishna never doubted Arjuna’s bravery, affirming his faith in Arjuna’s strength and resolve.

Verse & What We Can Learn?

We learn the importance of understanding familial bonds and fulfilling responsibilities with courage. Krishna’s omniscience and playful teasing highlight the depth of their friendship and mutual trust. This exchange teaches us about the supportive role friends and family can play in times of doubt and decision-making.

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