Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Arjuna Vishada Yogam: Chapter 1: Verses 16 to 18

BG 1.16

BG 1.17

BG 1.18


Sanjaya tactfully told King Dhrtarastra that his strategy of favoring his own sons over the sons of Pandu was unwise. He warned that the signs were clear: the entire Kuru dynasty, from Bhisma to young princes like Abhimanyu, faced certain death in the impending great battle. Dhrtarastra’s support of his sons’ ambitions had brought about this catastrophic fate for his family and many others from different kingdoms who were also present and doomed.

Verse & What We Can Learn?

Dhrtarastra’s preference for his sons (over what is Dharma) caused his dynasty to fall and sparked widespread conflict, showing how leaders’ choices affect families and societies. Sanjaya’s advice stressed the need for wise counselors who can give unbiased advice and foresee outcomes. Leaders should prioritize what’s best for everyone and face tough truths to prevent disasters.

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