(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)
You Become Detached From The Lower As You Gain Knowledge Of The Higher
बाह्यस्पर्शेष्वसक्तात्मा विन्दत्यात्मनि यत्सुखम् |
स ब्रह्मयोगयुक्तात्मा सुखमक्षयमश्नुते || 5.21||
bāhya-sparśheṣhvasaktātmā vindatyātmani yat sukham
sa brahma-yoga-yuktātmā sukham akṣhayam aśhnute|| 5.21||
Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 5- Ver. 21:
Those who are unattached to external pleasures experience divine bliss within themselves. They enjoy continuous happiness as a result of their union with God through Yoga.
The first step toward meditation is to turn within, away from the sense things of the world. Our entire existence revolves around the search of happiness. When we think about it, though, the satisfaction we feel from sense items is instantaneous but temporary. Sense items, like the delight they can offer, have a limit.
Furthermore, if we are not careful, we can become attracted to whatever brings us immediate enjoyment in the hopes of repeating the experience. When we lose access to sense objects, we experience sadness as a result of ongoing commentary and judgement from the mind. However, Shri Krishna provides us with a superior option. We can examine the timeless essence by gently moving away from sense objects and turning inward. . Furthermore, because it is drawn from the eternal nature, which is limitless, this happiness is never-ending and inexhaustible.
Verse & what we can learn
Attachment causes grief and loss. There is sadness when you look outward. You can find tranquilly by looking within. Bliss is boundless when you realise it. Then you have inexhaustible joy. All earthly pleasures ebb and flow. They eventually decompose and die. Only spiritual touch can provide you with ever-increasing joy. Abstinence, not indulgence, brings true happiness.
To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.
There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.
In the Next verse, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna about p[leasures of the material world.
Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…