Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Karma Sanyasa Yogam: Chapter 5: Verse 16

Bhagavad Gita - krishna --bhagavad gita dhyana shloka

(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)

The Knowledge Of The Eternal Essence Does Not Create Anything New In Us It Just Reveals Our True Nature

ज्ञानेन तु तदज्ञानं येषां नाशितमात्मन: |
तेषामादित्यवज्ज्ञानं प्रकाशयति तत्परम् || 5.16||

Jñānena Tu Tad Ajñānaṁ Yeṣhāṁ Nāśhitam Ātmanaḥ
Teṣhām Āditya-Vaj Jñānaṁ Prakāśhayati Tat Param|| 5.16||

Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 5- Ver. 16:

Knowledge, Like The Sun, Illuminates The Eternal Essence Of Individuals Who Have Destroyed Ignorance By Knowledge.


We connect with the body in the darkness of ignorance, and feel ourselves to be the doers and enjoyers of our acts. Even when living in the city of nine gates, the illusion fades away as the light of god’s wisdom shines brilliantly, and the soul awakens to its own spiritual nature. Because god’s material energy had shrouded the soul in darkness, it had fallen into delusion. when god’s spiritual force illuminates it with the light of understanding, the illusion is shattered.

Shri Krishna compares the removal of ignorance to the sun’s removal of darkness. The sun’s light does not generate anything new. it just reveals what was already present but obscured by darkness. in the same way, understanding the everlasting essence does not generate something new in us. It simply exposes our genuine nature.

Ignorance, which is nothing more than our identification with the body, mind, and intellect, is the underlying cause of delusion. All of our efforts should be directed at eradicating ignorance by the application of accurate knowledge. in the tangible world, which will always be imperfect, we want perfection. The only way to get to the source of this dilemma, Krishna explains, is to eradicate our ignorance of the eternal essence.

Verse & What We Can Learn

We want perfection in the tangible world, which will always be imperfect. The only way to solve this problem is to rid ourselves of our ignorance of the eternal essence. After ignorance is removed by knowledge, the Atman manifests.
To Acquire Knowledge And To Implement That Knowledge In Life One Needs To Be Mentally And Physically Active And Healthy And For That Daily Meditation Is A Great Tool.

There Are Various Types Of Meditation Like Buddhist Meditation, Heartfulness Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation, Meditation For Stress, And Each Meditation Benefits Are Countless. There Are Also Numerous Meditation Techniques For Beginners Which Help In Practicing Daily Meditation So Go Ahead And Start Your Journey Towards A Peaceful And Balanced Life.

In The Next Verse, Shri Krishna Tells Arjuna about those persons whose intellect is fixed in God.

Let’s Learn To Live With “The Gita” Via Meditation Affinity…

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