Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Karma Sanyasa Yogam: Chapter 5: Verse 12

Bhagavad Gita - krishna --bhagavad gita dhyana shloka

(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)

Everlasting Peace is Achieved By Offering The Results of All Activities to God

युक्त: कर्मफलं त्यक्त्वा शान्तिमाप्नोति नैष्ठिकीम् |
अयुक्त: कामकारेण फले सक्तो निबध्यते || 5.12||

yuktaḥ karma-phalaṁ tyaktvā śhāntim āpnoti naiṣhṭhikīm
ayuktaḥ kāma-kāreṇa phale sakto nibadhyate||5.12||

Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 5- Ver. 12:

The karma yogis achieve everlasting tranquilly by offering the fruits of all activity to God. Those who work with a selfish motive, driven by their goals, become entangled because they are tied to the results of their activity.


How is it to be understood that some persons are bound to material existence while others are free of it by completing the same actions? Shree Krishna provides the answer. Karma never binds those who are unattached and disinterested by material rewards. Those seeking reward and consumed with the desire to experience material pleasures, on the other hand, become entangled in work actions.

A materialistic person and a karma yogi While they both do the same thing and may end up with the same result, their attitudes toward the job are totally different. A person who does karma yoga keeps the mindset of “I am not connected to the results,” but a materialistic person does not. The ignorant individual acts for the sake of the outcome.

The work brings joy to the karma yogi. The tranquilly he achieves comes from inside, and it is this mental attitude that distinguishes a karma yogi from a materialist. The simplest way to track our progress toward karma yoga is to keep track of our mental condition.

Verse & what we can learn

A materialistic attitude makes one bound to desire and attachment. While spiritual attitude turning inwards makes one detached and balanced under all circumstances.

To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.

There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.

In the Next verse, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna about the detached and self controlled persons.

Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…

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