Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita: Arjuna Vishada Yogam: Chapter 1: Verse 41

BG 1.41


Character tarnishing sends society’s annihilators and society itself to hell; their forefathers fall from grace after being denied their Pinda and water sacrifices.

The importance of one’s forefathers and familial lineage is highly valued in Indian culture. In this poem, Arjuna expresses his concern that the decline of postwar society may lead to a loss of respect for the forefathers who established the society’s laws and ideals.

Verse & What we can learn

When there is fall in the values of the society and people’s attitude deviated from path of Dharma not only the traditions get affected but as a result reverence for ancestors and rites reduces as a result ancestors also perish.

In the next verses, we will know Arjuna going on stating many more negative consequences of as these.

Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…

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