
Is Multivitamin a solution…

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multivitamin benefits

The food that we intake, hardly contain any vitamins and other essentials in them, because, the way the crops are grown using chemicals and the preservation techniques and our cook procedures take away all the nutrients in them. Not only this, it is also difficult to get Fresh fruits and vegetables, so those people who […]


Affirmations and Their Benefits

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Affirmations are positive statements modeled for a specific outcome, and which are repeated again and again until they are imprinted in our mind and the desired result is achieved. Knowingly or unknowingly we all give affirmations to ourselves, but most of the times the negative ones.             Say, I am not good at this, I […]


Overcome Your Fears and Anxieties through Meditation

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Dr Anju Sharma - wellness coach

By Dr Anju Sharma, Psychiatrist, Sound & Energy Master, Wellness-Holistic Coach, International Speaker and Founder of the Musical Healing Band – “Sound of Infinity” Fear and Anxiety are a cognitive state that can control other emotions, in short, the mind cannot regulate other emotions. Alcohol dependence, depression and various other conditions are strongly related to […]


How to manage stress in life

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Priyanka Verma, Assistant Prof. - Psychology, Amity University Gurugram

By Priyanka Verma, Assistant Prof. – Psychology, Amity University Gurugram Here we all are facing an unexpected situation; we have never imagined that we are going to locked down in our houses and are not allowed to cross the LAKSHAMN REKHA of our doorstep to save our lives. This is an obvious situation to feel […]


10 Best Ways to Live a Good Life

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what is the secret to a good life

Every human born on this earth wants to live a full and complete life, he wants to be happy and at peace. But rarely there are few people who live a life like that. Most of the time most of the people experience grief and pain, we think other people and circumstances are responsible for […]


5 Proven Health Effects of Overworking

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health effects of overworking

The days are long gone when office times used to be nine to four. Today the position of an employee is that there are strict and set timings for reporting to the job, but when he will come out? We can say even God will not know. If we are hearing news about more number […]


Happiness is inside, you never find it outside

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Top 5 Tips to Remain Un-effected and to be Peaceful

Happiness is the key to leading the good life. Everyone is looking for happiness and it has been the most valuable thing in life. Leading a life without it is just passing the days without self-realization. It is the most common question that everyone asks: Are you happy? In life, happiness and sadness are the […]