
Derive the best from your subordinates…

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Derive the best from your subordinates...

The best way to get the best output or results, is to make people love their work and to motivate them to do their work whole heartedly, but, not out of compulsion. We can get best out of the people, only, when those who do the work, feel that, yes, I should give my best. […]


Steps To Develop Cordial Relations with Team Mates

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Steps To Develop Cordial Relations with Team Mates

When you are working as a team, in a work place and if your role is of a Team Leader, or a team member, you need to maintain good relationship with all the team mates. This is not only essential for your own individual growth but also for the development of the organization. Below discussed […]


Improve the Functioning of Brain

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Improve the Functioning of Brain

Brain, a vital organ of the human body plays a significant role in the life of a human being. Even if all other body parts are functioning well, if the brain does not work, the person is as good as dead. We do take supplements and vitamins to enhance the functioning of the other parts […]


Sleep like a baby this Hot Summer!

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Sleep like a baby this Hot Summer!

Getting a good and sound sleep is a major issue, especially, for people living in urban areas during summer. Our body requires an idle temperature to get proper and sound sleep. The higher the temperature, the more difficulty one experiences while sleeping. Though people assemble air conditioners and coolers, at homes and workplaces, but, in […]


A Purpose, Does Add Years To Life Span…

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A Purpose Does Add Years To Life Span…

The reason, why we find an increase in suicide rate today is that, people feel they are not worth living or they have nothing to accomplish or they can accomplish nothing they don’t find a definite reason or purpose to live. In early years of life, a person is too busy thinking about the career, […]


Ten Amazing Facts

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Ten Amazing Facts

There are many amazing things that most of us don’t know, let us take a look at few of them. Ant is always awake, it never sleeps. It was Leonardo Da Vinci who invented the scissors. Tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. Once Charlie Chaplin won a third prize in a Charlie Chaplin […]


Six Ways to End an Argument or a Fight

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Six Ways to End an Argument or a Fight

Any human born on this earth wants a peaceful and happy life. But in life we come across those situations when we just can’t hold it anymore, we tend to lose our cool and start an argument or a fight. Though, later on, we may repent for our behavior, but for most of us, it […]


Six Ways to Feel Better

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Six Ways to Feel Better

Life is full of ups and downs, and when you are feeling low and see no light around, it is that time when you need to bring out the strength within. Here are some ways that will help to come out of the situation and gain strength. Accept the situation and the persons as they […]


How to Keep Kids Engaged During Summer vacation

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best parenting advice

Summer is here again and the holiday season has started. A summer vacation is a time that children desperately wait for and love too. Summer vacation usually means playing time, fun time, and time to visit native places and spend some quality time with grandparents and relatives. Parents also find some relief as they also […]