(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)
God Is Highly Conscious, And He Is The Originator Of Both Souls And Matter
अपरेयमितस्त्वन्यां प्रकृतिं विद्धि मे पराम् |
जीवभूतां महाबाहो ययेदं धार्यते जगत् || 7.5||
apareyam itas tvanyāṁ prakṛitiṁ viddhi me parām
jīva-bhūtāṁ mahā-bāho yayedaṁ dhāryate jagat|| 7.5||
Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 7- Ver. 5:
Such is the state of my insufficient energy. But, O mighty-armed Arjun, beyond that, I possess higher energy. This is the soul energy, which is made up of embodied souls who are the foundation of existence on this planet.
Shree Krishna teaches that beyond the eight-fold prakiti, or material energy, which He considers inferior, there is another, far superior. In comparison to dead matter, this energy is utterly transcendental. It is His spiritual energy, that encompasses all of the world’s living souls. He’s now moved on from presenting material physics to discussing spiritual matters.
Ignorance and unhappiness hold the individual soul at all times. It requires a constant reminder of its existence and purpose from the saints and scriptures. In this world and beyond, God is all-pervading. Individual souls, likewise, should be able to exist wherever at any time. Although there is only one God, there are many spirits. There should be many Gods if the soul is God in and of itself. As a result, non-dualistic philosophers’ statements that the soul is God are inconclusive.
The concept of non-duality of the entire universe becomes obvious after we comprehend and accept that the soul is a small component of God’s unlimited energy. Within the same energy, multiple energies can exist at the same time. God’s energy might be regarded one with the energy of the souls. At the same time, both entities are distinct from one another due to their respective qualities.
Verse & what we can learn
There are three types of units, the perishable nature of matter, Individual souls that are indestructible and God, who has command over both matter and souls. The soul is set free from the world’s illusions by concentrating on God, joining with Him, and becoming more like Him. Only spirituality can teach us about the subject, which is none other than our own selves.
To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.
There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.
In the Next verse, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna about subject and object, inert and conscious, experiencer and experienced, building blocks and unifying force what do all these have in common.
Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…