(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)
Equal Vision For Everybody Is A Manifestation Of The Inner Experience Of Oneness
अर्जुन उवाच |
योऽयं योगस्त्वया प्रोक्त: साम्येन मधुसूदन |
एतस्याहं न पश्यामि चञ्चलत्वात्स्थितिं स्थिराम् || 6.33||
arjuna uvācha
yo ’yaṁ yogas tvayā proktaḥ sāmyena madhusūdana
etasyāhaṁ na paśhyāmi chañchalatvāt sthitiṁ sthirām|| 6.33||
Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 6- Ver. 33:
Due of my restless mind, the Yoga method you have described appears impracticable and impossible to me, Madhusudana.
This verse is spoken by Arjuna, who begins with the words yo yam, “This Yoga system,” referring to the procedure detailed from verse 6.10 onward. Shree Krishna just completed saying that in order to achieve Yoga perfection, we must: subdue your sense,s renounce all desires, Concentrate your thoughts solely on God and think about him with steadfastness.
View everyone with the same level of vision Arjuna shows his dissatisfaction with what he has heard by stating that it is impractical. Without mind control, none of the above can be accomplished. All of these characteristics of Yoga become unattainable if the mind is restless.
Arjuna was paying close attention to Shri Krishna’s meditation discourse. He asked Krishna a series of clarifying questions as the discourse came to a close. The first is how can we stay in a meditative state when our minds are so fickle? The ability to see the timeless essence pervading everything, and thus create an attitude of equanimity or sameness toward everything and everyone, is the ultimate purpose of meditation. This vision achieves its pinnacle when we see no distinction between ourselves and the rest of the world, bringing us eternal serenity and joy.
However, as Arjuna points out, maintaining such a vision is difficult because the untrained mind will not allow it. That vision might be achievable for a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, but not for much longer. Furthermore, it is difficult to recognise oneself in someone we hate or dislike. If we try to imagine ourselves in such a person, our minds swiftly switch from “I am that person’s self” to “he did something horrible to me.”
Verse & what we can learn
Equal vision toward everybody generates the internal experience of oneness. An awakened Soul recognises equality in all beings and loves them all equally. Nobody is an outsider or an opponent. This is a happy situation. Do not act on your feelings and intolerances. Examine your dislikes intellectually. When you get to the bottom of it, you’ll discover there’s nothing there.
To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.
There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.
In the Next verses, Arjuna asks Shri Krishna about the state of mind.
Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…