(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)
God-Realization Is The Last Destiny Of The Soul Yoga Is The Route Of Bringing One’s Mind To God
यं संन्यासमिति प्राहुर्योगं तं विद्धि पाण्डव |
न ह्यसंन्यस्तसङ्कल्पो योगी भवति कश्चन || 6.2||
yaṁ sannyāsam iti prāhur yogaṁ taṁ viddhi pāṇḍava
na hyasannyasta-saṅkalpo yogī bhavati kaśhchana|| 6.2||
Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 6- Ver. 2:
Recognize that what is referred to as renunciation is the same as yoga, O Paandava. One cannot become a yogi without renunciation of desires.
Sannyasa and yoga are both stages of the same spiritual path. When a bhogi, or materialist, has just turned inward and is seeking the higher, he or she practises yoga. He still has worldly ambitions, but he understands that pursuing them is futile. Sanyasa is the advanced state reached once a spiritual aspirant has completed yoga and rid himself of all wants. Renunciation of sankalpa is the first step toward becoming a yogi. Sankalpa is a desire-producing concept, fantasy, wish, plan, or thinking flow.
A sanyasi is someone who gives up mental and sensory pleasures. God-realization is the soul’s ultimate goal. Yoga is the process of moving toward God, or directing one’s attention toward him. God-realization is the ultimate objective of spiritual endeavour for those who properly realise the goal of existence.
A true yogi (one who unites the mind with God in loving service) is a true sanyasi (renunciant). It is impossible to be a yogi without renouncement of earthly desires. If the mind has material aspirations, it will naturally gravitate toward the world. Because the mind must be linked with God, this can only be accomplished if the mind is devoid of all material wants. To be a yogi, one must first be a sanyasi from inside, and one can only be a sanyasi if one is also a yogi.
Verse & what we can learn
Renunciation does not imply giving up possessions. It is the comprehension of higher joys, in comparison to which current concerns pale into insignificance.
As a result, understanding of the greater is the first step toward spiritual life. Then your passions fade away and you become a sannyasi. You’re left with only a few desires: attaining enlightenment, serving the guru, and contributing to society’s well-being.
To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.
There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.
In the Next verse, Shri Krishna tells Arjuna about soul.
Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…