(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)
Divine Can Be Accessed By Everyone, Regardless Of Their Job The Most Crucial Aspect Of Our Task Is Our Mindset While Doing It
अहं क्रतुरहं यज्ञ: स्वधाहमहमौषधम् |
मन्त्रोऽहमहमेवाज्यमहमग्निरहं हुतम् || 9.16||
ahaṁ kratur ahaṁ yajñaḥ svadhāham aham auṣhadham
mantro ’ham aham evājyam aham agnir ahaṁ hutam|| 9.16||
Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 9- Ver. 16:
I am the vedic ritual, the offering, the sacrifice, the oblation, the herb, the chant, the butter, the fire, and the act of offering.
Shree Krishna gives a look into the numerous parts of His limitless personality in these lines. Yaja (sacrifice) is what Kratu refers to, such as the agnihotra yajñas recorded in the Vedas. It also refers to the yajñas detailed in the Smriti scriptures, such as vaiśhva deva The term Auṣhadham alludes to the medicinal herb’s power.
Krishna is also the maha-yajna, and He is the sacrifice known as jyotistoma Krishna is also the oblations made to the Pitrloka or the sacrifice made to satisfy the Pitrloka, which is considered a kind of medicine in the form of clarified butter. Krishna mantras are also recited in this connection.
Krsna also refers to a variety of products manufactured with milk products that are used in sacrifices. Fire is also Krishna since it is one of the five material components and is thus claimed to be Krishna’s separated energy. To put it another way, the Vedic sacrifices prescribed in the Vedas’ karma-kanda division are all Krishna. Or, to put it another way, In other words, people engaged in devotional service to Krishna are assumed to have done all of the Vedic sacrifices.
Verse & what we can learn
It’s not enough to think of Ishvara as a finite figure in a painting or as an idol. Ishvara should be able to appear in all facets of our lives. Shri Krishna highlights effort as a link to Ishvara in this shloka, emphasizing that Ishvara is present in all parts of action.
Shri Krishna instructs Arjuna to see Ishvara in every vedic ceremonial detail. Shri Krishna claims that Ishvara is present in all of these rites since they include herbs, butter, chanting, fire, and the offering of oblations. After hearing this shloka, Arjuna would have had no issue ensuring that Ishvara was always present in such a rite.
Shri Krishna does not define when and who can worship Ishvara by characterizing action as worship of Ishvara. Arjuna was a warrior and Saint Kabirdas was a cobbler. Both of them, though, were able to access Ishvara without having to leave their respective professions. Similarly, we have the opportunity to do so. The most crucial aspect of our task is our mindset while doing it.
To acquire knowledge and to implement that knowledge in life one needs to be mentally and physically active and healthy and for that daily meditation is a great tool.
There are various types of meditation like Buddhist meditation, heartfulness meditation, mindfulness meditation, meditation for stress, and each meditation benefits are countless. There are also numerous meditation techniques for beginners which help in practicing daily meditation so go ahead and start your journey towards a peaceful and balanced life.
In the next verse Shri Krishna tells Arjuna Further means to access Ishvara.
Let’s learn to live with “The Gita” via Meditation Affinity…