(Image Courtesy Mahanidhiswami)
God Resides Outside Of Time, And The Past, Present, And Future Are All Visible Within Him At Any Moment
अमी च त्वां धृतराष्ट्रस्य पुत्रा:
सर्वे सहैवावनिपालसङ्घै: |
भीष्मो द्रोण: सूतपुत्रस्तथासौ
सहास्मदीयैरपि योधमुख्यै: || 11.26||
वक्त्राणि ते त्वरमाणा विशन्ति
दंष्ट्राकरालानि भयानकानि |
केचिद्विलग्ना दशनान्तरेषु
सन्दृश्यन्ते चूर्णितैरुत्तमाङ्गै: || 11.27||
amī cha tvāṁ dhṛitarāśhtrasya putrāḥ
sarve sahaivāvani-pāla-saṅghaiḥ
bhīṣhmo droṇaḥ sūta-putras tathāsau
sahāsmadīyair api yodha-mukhyaiḥ|| 11.26||
vaktrāṇi te tvaramāṇā viśhanti
danṣhṭrā-karālāni bhayānakāni
kechid vilagnā daśhanāntareṣhu
sandṛiśhyante chūrṇitair uttamāṅgaiḥ|| 11.27||
Shloka Translation
BG – Ch. 11- Ver. 26 & 27:
And all the sons of Dhritaraashtra, with bands of warrior kings, as well as Bheeshma, Drona, and that son of Soota, as well as our top warriors…(They are) rushing into your mouths, frightened teeth wide open. Some show up with their skulls smashed and wedged between your teeth.
We grind our food with our teeth. God’s teeth are his destructive energy, which grinds everyone to death as time passes. Arjuna sees many of the Pandava generals, as well as the powerful Kaurava generals Bheeshma, Dronacharya, and Karna, rushing madly into the Lord’s mouth to be ground between his teeth. In the cosmic form of God, he sees the impending future. Because God exists outside of time, the past, present, and future are all visible within him right now.
Despite the fact that Bheeshma knew Duryodhana was bad and seizes the Pandavas’ rights, he continued to defend him. As a result, he was doomed to die in this battle of virtue over evil. Bheeshma himself was well aware that opposing the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna would result in death.
Both the Kauravas and the Pandavas had Dronacharya as their martial arts master. He was so unbiased that he taught Arjun more about military science than his own son, Ashwatthama. However, he felt obligated to assist Duryodhan because he relied on him for financial support. As a result, Dronacharya was doomed to die in the conflict. His heroism, however, may be evaluated by the fact that when the Pandavas contacted him for assistance after being unable to slay him by any means, he revealed them how he could be killed.
Karn fought alongside the Kauravas since he was Duryodhan’s close friend. He possessed heroic traits as well. When Shree Krishna disclosed to him he was the eldest son of Kunti and the Pandavas were actually his brothers, he asked Shree Krishna not to disclose this secret to Yudhisthir, or else he would stop trying to kill Karn and would lose the war. Since Karn had taken the side of Duryodhan in the war, he too was destined to die.
Verse & what we can learn
Ishvara’s great power, Maaya, is responsible for the creation of space and time. The impression of separation between us and the universe is created by space and time. Space and time are intimately connected. The longer it takes to get from one corner to the next, the larger the space. Only Ishvara, who transcends space and time, could see a scene that will take place in the future.
Shri Krishna had previously destroyed all notions of space by appearing to have congealed everyone and everything into his universal form. He started erasing the concept of time now. In his cosmic form, Arjuna could see the past, present, and future all at once. In that setting, he now beheld the Paandava and Kaurava armies. He despised Karna in particular, referring to him as “that son of a Suta.” Suta is the name given to a person whose mother is a brahmin and whose father is a kshatriya.
Arjuna continued to describe the terrifying scene from the Mahabhaarata war’s future condition. Several soldiers from both armies were now rushing into Ishvara’s cosmic form’s countless mouths. Ishvara was also seen devouring these warriors, the scraps of his food stuck between his teeth. To emphasise the force of Ishvara’s jaws and their impact on the warriors, Arjuna employs the word “choornit,” which means “powder.”
This macabre image serves as a reminder of the fragility of life of the material world, which is made up entirely of names and shapes. In his lovely form, Ishvara can produce a wide range of names and shapes, but in his awful form, he can dissolve that variety. Arjuna saw that Ishvara’s power and what it can do.
Another fascinating part of this shloka is that Ishvara’s cosmic shape isn’t pursuing all of the soldiers; rather, they are rushing into his mouths. It reaffirms Shri Krishna’s word from earlier. Ishvara has no favourite or enemies. Every person shapes his or her own destiny as a result of his or her choices and actions. When the Kauravas and Pandas agreed to fight, it was only logical that many of them would die as a result of the conflict. Arjuna was interested to know whether he would win or lose now that he knew Shri Krishna could see him the future. However, he did not openly ask this question.
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Arjuna was interested to know whether he would win or lose, However, he did not openly ask this question. He continued to describe the scene in the hope that Shri Krishna would eventually reveal it.
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